
Home Electronics Market Index

In cooperation with GfK Retail and Technology GmbH, gfu publishes HEMIX, the Home Electronics Market Index in Germany (formerly the CEMIX, the Consumer Electronics Market Index). In addition to sales volume, HEMIX also records the turnover and average price for the entire private home electronics market in Germany.

HEMIX Q1–4/2022

After two years, 2020 and 2021, shaped by the pandemic and the resulting extraordinarily high demand for consumer electronics products and home appliances, the market showed a downward trend in 2022, even sharply in some segments. The pandemic years brought an unexpected boom to the industry, as people put more personal focus on their homes. This trend discontinued in 2022.

Customers had and still have a greater choice of ways to spend their money, for example on vacations, culture and dining out. In addition, rising energy costs and higher food prices limit the budget available for other expenses. Accordingly, the current Home Electronics Market Index for 2022 as a whole shows a decline in sales of 1.3 percent to almost 48.4 billion euros.

Overview of the product segment:

1.3 %
1.5 %
1.0 %
1.3 %
1.5 %
1.0 %
7.2 %
8.5 %
11.1 %
7.2 %
8.5 %
11.1 %
0.6 %
3,4 %
0.6 %
3,4 %

Download the HEMIX Q1-4 2022 figures

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