November: World Television Day

Video usage remains high – Market for TV declining in 2022

Since 1996, television had a day of remembrance set by the UN – November 21 to commemorate the first World Television Forum in 1996. At an annual summit meeting of programme providers, experts and TV entrepreneurs, the prospects and future of television are discussed.

Video usage remains omnipresent in people’s everyday lives. This is shown by the results of the study “ARD/ZDF Mass Communication Trend 2022”: Almost the entire population is reached at least weekly, 88 percent daily. The daily usage time for moving images is 214 minutes. Linear television dominates usage with 64 percent, time-shifted use is 36 percent.

However, this ratio has shifted by five percentage points in favour of time-shifted use from 2021 to 2022. In terms of the frequency of video use (at least once a week), according to the study, the current television program is ahead with 81 percent. With 61 percent, TV shows and videos from the media libraries follow.

Also results of the study: The usage time has increased from 194 minutes in 2017 to 214 minutes in 2022. The pandemic year 2021 had the longest usage time with 222 minutes. For the use of the current television program, the TV set is the first choice for 62 percent, for videos or live streams, however, only for 15 percent.

Market for TV sets currently declining

Despite the popularity of moving images, the market for televisions has developed negatively in the recent past. After a significant increase of more than 13 percent in sales and more than eleven percent in the number of units in the pandemic year 2020, the market for TV sets in Germany has been declining since 2021.

During the pandemic, consumers invested more in their homes, driving growth, especially in the TV segment. This special boom is currently no longer continuing. For 2021, a decline of almost seven percent in sales and a minus of almost 20 percent in the number of units sold was recorded.

However, in 2021, the average price of all televisions sold rose by more than 16 percent to 677 euros. The negative trend continued in the first three quarters of 2022: Between January and September 2022*, almost 3.3 million televisions were sold in Germany, a minus of 17.7 percent. Sales amounted to just under 2.3 billion euros, a decline of 14.5 percent.

*These figures are a pre-release from HEMIX Q1-3/2022, a detailed publication of the entire market index for this period 2022 will follow at a later date. All percentages given refer to the comparable period of the previous year.
HEMIX = Home Electronic Market Index. The HEMIX shows the quarterly market development in Germany on the basis of volume and value. HEMIX is a joint project of GfK and gfu Consumer & Home Electronics GmbH.

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