
Home Electronics Market Index

In cooperation with GfK Retail and Technology GmbH, gfu publishes HEMIX, the Home Electronics Market Index in Germany (formerly the CEMIX, the Consumer Electronics Market Index). In addition to sales volume, HEMIX also records the turnover and average price for the entire private home electronics market in Germany.

HEMIX Q1–4/2023

The market for consumer electronics products and home appliances declined in 2023 – in some segments even sharply. Accordingly, the current Home Electronics Market Index shows an overall decline in sales of 4.4 per cent to 47.3 billion euros for 2023 as a whole. Only the photo, small domestic appliances, video games consoles and A/V accessories product segments developed positively last year. This means that the industry is lagging behind the special economic situation generated by the pandemic years. During this time, people focussed more on their homes and invested more in consumer electronics and household appliances.

Overview of the product segment:

4.4 %
4.9 %
3.5 %
4.4 %
4.9 %
3.5 %
0.6 %
2.2 %
14.9 %
0.6 %
2.2 %
14.9 %
7.1 %
1.7 %
7.1 %
1.7 %

Download the HEMIX Q1–4 2023 figures

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