
Home Electronics Market Index

In cooperation with GfK Retail and Technology GmbH, gfu publishes HEMIX, the Home Electronics Market Index in Germany (formerly the CEMIX, the Consumer Electronics Market Index). In addition to sales volume, HEMIX also records the turnover and average price for the entire private home electronics market in Germany.

HEMIX Q1–2/2024

Overview of the product segment:

2.6 %
4.1 %
0 %
2.6 %
4.1 %
0 %
8.5 %
1.3 %
10.0 %
8.5 %
1.3 %
10.0 %
2.2 %
3.1 %
2.2 %
3.1 %

Download the HEMIX Q1/2024 figures

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