Home Electronics Markt Index

In cooperation with GfK Retail and Technology GmbH and Bundesverband Technik des Einzelhandels (BVT), gfu publishes HEMIX, the Home Electronics Market Index in Germany (formerly the CEMIX, the Consumer Electronics Market Index). In addition to sales volume, HEMIX also records the turnover and average price for the entire private home electronics market in Germany.

HEMIX Q1-4 / 2019

Overall, the market for home electronics products (HE) grew by 0.6% in 2019, reaching a turnover of 42.6 billion Euro. This growth could be attributed to the good performance of two segments, private IT products, and large and small domestic appliances. Traditional consumer electronics and private telecommunications products declined during this period. The consumer electronics segment is expected to decrease by 5.6% to 8.8 billion Euro in 2019.

Domestic appliances recorded increased sales of 4.7%, reaching 14.9 billion Euro. The large domestic appliances product segment grey by 3.2 percent to 9 billion Euro in 2019. Sales of small domestic appliances were up again, with an increase of 7.1% to almost 5.9 billion Euro.

4.1 %
5.6 %
1.4 %
4.1 %
5.6 %
1.4 %
4.7 %
3.2 %
7.1 %
4.7 %
3.2 %
7.1 %

Smartphones stagnate, wearables* increase

Although smartphones continued to drive the most sales in the consumer electronics segment, they declined in 2019. Sales fell by 3.5% to 10.9 billion Euro, with 22.1 million units sold (-4.2%). The average price of smartphones increased again in 2019 to 492 Euro (+0.7%). Wearables* continued their strong growth in 2019. With a 36.5% increase in the number of devices sold to 5.6 million, sales reached 940 million Euro (+38.1%).

3.5 %
4.2 %
0.7 %
3.5 %
4.2 %
0.7 %
38.1 %
36.5 %
38.1 %
36.5 %

Strong sales of large screens – OLED and UHD segments continue to grow

Televisions account for the largest share of sales in consumer electronics, at 3.7 billion Euro. Compared to the previous year, sales were down by 9%. The trend towards larger screens and more modern features nevertheless continued in 2019. Televisions with screens of 45 inches (94cm) or larger account for the majority of sales – almost 73% – at just under 2.7 billion Euro. 88% of sales in 2019 were for ultra-high definition (UHD) televisions, with a screen resolution of 8 million pixels. The number of units sold increased by 20% to reach 4.4 million. In 2019, televisions using OLED technology generated sales of 571 million Euro, an increase of 11%, where the number of units sold rose by 26% to 306,000 units.

9.0 %
20.0 %
6.6 %
9.0 %
20.0 %
6.6 %

Soundbars, audio & video accessories, and DAB+ with positive growth

The soundbar segment continued to grow in 2019 as it had in previous years, showing an 12.8% increase in sales. With an increase of revenue by 13.2%, the number of units sold exceeded the one million mark (1.06 million units) for the first time. The audio & video accessories segment overall grew strongly with a 35.5% increase in sales to 1.38 billion Euro. A total of 14.6 million pairs of headphones were sold (+15%), reaching 932 million Euro (+61.2%). The new “wireless” models using Bluetooth technology are the main reason for this positive performance. Digital radio receivers (DAB+) saw a 6.6% increase in unit sales, reaching 1.5 million units in 2019, and 219 million Euro (+0.4%).

13.2 %
35.5 %
0.4 %
13.2 %
35.5 %
0.4 %

Growth for IT products

All three personal computer segments saw an increase in revenue in 2019. Tablet sales grew by 12.2% to 1.4 billion Euro, while the number of units sold fell to just under 4.1 million units. Almost 4 million notebooks (-0.4%) were sold in 2019, representing sales of 2.8 billion Euro, an increase of 2.5%. Desktop PCs achieved sales of 1 million units (+8.8%) and revenue of 824 billion (+9.2%).

12.2 %
2.5 %
9.2 %
12.2 %
2.5 %
9.2 %

* The term wearables stands for small networked devices to be worn on the body, such as fitness wristbands, smart watches, digital glasses and increasingly also products from the field of health monitoring (blood sugar, blood pressure).

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