gfu Supervisory Board elected as scheduled:

Three new Supervisory Board members in office from January 2023

The shareholders of gfu Consumer & Home Electronics GmbH, organizer of IFA, have elected a new Supervisory Board. The new Supervisory Board members Harald Friedrich (BSH Hausgeräte GmbH), Frank Jüttner (Miele & Cie. KG) and Philipp Maurer (Panasonic Germany), who also assumes the function of Chairman of the Supervisory Board, were elected unanimously.

“As part of the regular gfu Supervisory Board election, three experienced and excellently networked managers from the consumer electronics and home appliances industries were elected to the board. I look forward to working with the new Supervisory Board and thank you for your willingness to hold this honorary office at gfu. At the same time, I would like to thank Volker Klodwig, the outgoing Chairman of the gfu Supervisory Board. His tireless support was instrumental in enabling us to negotiate the new contract to host IFA in Berlin and ultimately sign it on November 18, 2022,” explains Dr. Sara Warneke, Managing Director of gfu.

About gfu

Founded in 1973 as a society for the promotion of consumer electronics in Germany, gfu is the organizer of IFA and today operates under the name gfu – Consumer & Home Electronics GmbH. Leading brands in the consumer electronics and household appliance industries are the shareholders of gfu. The aim of the gfu is to organize trade fairs and to inform about trends and developments in the industries. To this end, studies are regularly commissioned and published, market research is carried out and press releases are published.

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